Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Armed Forces of the Philippines Needs Weapons to Protect West Philippines Sea

According to Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio said that China’s historical claim over the South China Sea has no basis at all. It was only in the 1930’s that Chinese maps went beyond Hainan Island, China’s southernmost territory, adding that it was only 1933 that a Chinese map showed the Paracels as part of Hainan. 

Navy WarshipIn contrast, the Philippines which arguing for its territory based on international law and
have historical claims over the West Philippine Sea. The official  stated that the legal approach is still best way to resolve the dispute over the West Philippine Sea.

The best way possible to defend the territory is through strengthening its defense by acquiring such as warships, war planes, anti-missiles and other vessels. Those countries that failed to maintain a credible self-defense force were erased from the map eventually.

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