Monday, August 24, 2015

China Asks Brazil Help Regarding Jungle Warfare Training

China now asked to make available a number of trainers and jungle warfare training expertise to assist them developing their own program. There was no hint as to the propinquity of such cooperation or the number of trainers likely to be sent. While it is not clear why the Chinese are expanding their jungle training operations, the country does have long, jungle-covered birders with several neighbors.
The manner of working is to “train the trainers”, in courses limited to 100-120 students up to three times per year. The 10-week course (8 weeks for the senior officer’s course) teaches a wide variety of jungle warfare techniques ranging from continued existence and foraging to navigation, fire and movement disciplines, reverie assault techniques and jungle hygiene procedures.

CIGS therefore places great significance on medical training and in diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of illness and ailments unique to the jungle environment.

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